Ramses A. Wessel
European Law | EU External Relations | Foreign and Security Policy | International Organizations Law
- 26 June 2025: Speaking at the seminar The EU external action in times of geopolitical changes, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
- 23 June 2025: Speaking on The Normalisation of CFSP, 10th CLEER Summer School on the Law of EU External Relations, Brussels, Belgium
- 29 April 2025: Speaking on Challenges and Solutions in EU Foreign and Security Policy at the seminar The EU’s External Policies and Current Geo-Political Challenges, upon invitation by the Danish Association of European Law, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 6-9 April 2025: Speaking on Digital Diplomacy: New Technologies and EU External Relations Law, Jean Monnet Seminar on Advanced Issues of EU Law: Modern Technologies and EU Law, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- 14 March 2025: Attending the valedictory address by Prof. Niels Blokker, The Future of International Institutional Law, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
- 10 March 2025: Speaking on The European Union as a Global International Actor: Strategic Autonomy in a Changing International Context, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- 7 February 2025: Seminar EU International Agreements from the perspectives of EU and international law, with Advocate General Tamara Ćapeta, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 3 February 2025: External Examiner, Viva Mark Konstantinidis, King's College, London, United Kingdom
- 17 January 2025: Speaking on Legal Options to Reform the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV), The Hague, The Netherlands [online]
- 16-17 January 2025: Speaking on Shaking up academic worlds? Consequences of the EU’s increased international engagement at the conference The autonomy of EU law under pressure? The changing landscape of the interactions between EU law and international law, WU Vienna, Vienna, Austria
- 11 December 2024: Speaking on The Role of the EU in Peace and Security, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
- 6 December 2024: Chairing a panel at the CLEER Conference: General Principles in EU External Relations Law, Asser Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands
- 26 November 2024: HILAC lecture –The F-35 parts export case: International legal implications, Asser Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands
- 26 November 2024: Speaking at the Webinar Revisiting the internal market: Four academic perspectives on the Letta and Draghi reports from different fields of EU law, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 24 October 2024: Speaking on EU Diplomacy at the Roundtable Discussion on ‘Policy, Diplomacy and the International Legal Order to Come’, New York City Bar, New York, United States of America
- 14 October 2024: City Law School/Groningen Faculty of Law Workshop on the Front Polisario II judgment, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 12 October 2024: Annual event and meeting of the Editorial Board of SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
- 4 October 2024: Seminar-Concert in honour of Judge Sacha Prechal, Court of Justice of the EU, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- 14-15 September 2024: Chairing a Workshop on EU Strategic Autonomy and Industry, in preparation of the 2024 Houjarray Declaration, Houjarray Foresight Talks 2024, Jean Monnet House, Houjarray, France
- 13 September 2024: Speaking on Legal Aspects of the EU's Strategic Autonomy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of France, Quai d'Orsay, Paris, France
- 26 August 2024: 11th EELF Conference – Sustainable Energy: Still United in Diversity? Integrating energy, climate and environmental law in times of geopolitical instability, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 27 June 2024: European Papers meeting, Rome, Italy
- 30-31 May 2024: Multidisciplinary International Network on Sanctions (MINOS) Kick-off meeting, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- 27 May 2024: Speaking on EU Explained: Uncovering the Perceptions, EU Debate: Why should you vote?, Forum, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 15 May 2024: International Workshop on EU Law and Global Challenges, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 17 April 2024: ENGAGE stakeholder workshop, Coherent, Sustainable, Effective: Charting the Way Forward for EU Global Action, Martin’s Brussels EU, Brussels, Belgium
- 25 March 2024: Participating in the EU meeting of the 'Group of Friends of QMV' on improving CFSP decision-making, German Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany
- 12 February 2024: Speaking on The Effect of Opinion 1/17 on the EU-ECHR Draft Accession Agreement: Lessons Learned? (\w Jennifer Buckesfeld) at the EU-ECHR accession workshop, PluriCourts | University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
- Earlier events